Buy Hyssop Oil
Hyssop essential oil is obtained through steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of the Hyssop shrub, scientifically known as Hyssopus Officinalis. This herb is historically significant, having been mentioned numerous times in the Holy Bible. Biblical figures like David, Moses, Solomon, and Jesus used Hyssop oil for purification—both internally and externally—and for cleansing sacred places. The oil is thought to encourage self-acceptance, bringing joy and lightness to the spirit, which may be lost when weighed down by guilt and responsibility.
Oil Properties
- Sweet, rich woody fragrance
- Antibacterial
- Antiseptic
- Antispasmodic
- Antiviral
- Astringent
- Carminative
- Cephalic
- Digestive
- Diuretic
- Expectorant
- Hypertensive
- Nervine
- Sedative
- Tonic
Uses of Hyssop Oil
Therapeutic Uses: Hyssop oil is effective for treating asthma, tonsillitis, inflammation, bloating, and loss of appetite. It also helps reduce anxiety, emotional imbalances, and mental fatigue. As an expectorant, it is commonly used for bronchitis, whooping cough, and excessive phlegm.
Perfumery: Hyssop is a key ingredient in many eau de colognes and other perfumes.
Other Uses: To alleviate emotional tension, rub Hyssop oil on the shoulders. For relieving feelings of congestion related to sorrow, apply it to the lung reflex points on the hands and feet. For detoxifying, massage the oil deeply into the colon reflex points to release stagnant energy and remove toxins from the body.
Oil Components
- Alpha Pinene
- Camphene
- Beta Pinene
- Sabinene
- Myrcene
- Limonene
- Pinocamphone
- Iso-Pinocamphene
- Gamma Terpineol
- Cineole
- Thujone